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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Six Years

As I sit here writing this, I'm reminiscing about six years ago tonight. It was a quiet night; Paige was at her grandparent's house for the evening. I got to take a long relaxing bubble bath, paint my nails while watching a chick flick, and hogged the whole bed and all the blankets as I slept that night.

It was my last night as a single woman, for the next day I would marry my best friend.

One of my favorites from the day

It's hard to believe it's been six years, but at the same time, it's felt like forever. Pete and I have been through trials and experienced great joy. We have since welcomed two wonderful sons into our family, and had to say goodbye to some beloved family members. We've fought and we've laughed. We became Aunt Shawna and Uncle Pete not once, but twice (we love you, Z and E!). We've bought a house and are becoming part of a community. We've struggled as parents, as husband and wife, and with family and friends.

In the process of checking out our new house!
But no matter what we may be going through, we are a team, relying on each other and on God each and every step of the way.

Baseball game, August 2012

We tried coming up with a list of our favorite moments over the past six years. On our way out to lunch to celebrate our anniversary last weekend, I brought up the subject, and we sat in silence for what seemed like hours. It wasn't that we couldn't come up with anything, it was that there have been so many wonderful things that have happened that it's hard to narrow it down. Even the bad moments have been highlights because we have been so blessed even in the hard times. For the record, we think our highlights would be going away for our fifth anniversary last year (as we haven't had a real honeymoon yet) and Pete being in the delivery room when Ryan was born.

Fifth Anniversary in Corning, NY

So Peter, I love you with all my heart. I couldn't ask for a better friend when I need one, a better father for my children, or a better person to share the rest of my life with. I can't wait to see what the next six years hold for us, and the rest of our lives together will bring!

Forever and always...

Highs and lows we'll take on together
Choosing joy whatever the weather
Now we are living the dream
And this is the dream

Living the Dream - Downhere


  1. Aw, I can't believe it's been six years already! It does seem like a long time, but not, at the same time. As I did back then, and always, I wish you and Pete the VERY best and many, many years of happiness, good health, love, success and joy! :-) Love you guys! <3
